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Eglinton Caledon Hounds

HomeEtiquette for Tradition


Guidelines for Tradition
  • To come out to hunt you must be escorted by an existing member of the hunt. Please feel free to email us for more information if you do not know a member personally. 

  • Arrangements will be made with a Master to bring a guest to a meet. There is a fee to be paid by a guest of the hunt (known as a “capping fee”) as well as a waiver form to be signed at the meet prior to mounting up. Your host will provide you with full details and introduce you to the Field Secretary (who has the forms and collects the fees) and the Masters at the meet.

  • When riding, a guest should always follow the path set by the Field Master and obey any instructions given by the Field Master. It is considered proper etiquette to ride behind the experienced riders with “colours”.

  • Please leave one horse length between yourself and the horse in front of you.

  • Always wait until the horse and rider in front are clear of a jump before you attempt to negotiate it yourself.

  • Care must be taken when riding on cultivated fields; you should always ride single file and close to the outside perimeter of the field. Avoid riding close to houses and farm buildings whenever possible. Never gallop down a landowner’s driveway or past his house. Circle all livestock so as to not disturb them.

  • Riders who have a horse that is inclined to kick out must wear a red ribbon on the horse’s tail and ride at the back of the group. Horses that are young or considered “green” should wear a green ribbon on the tail.

  • Remember Hounds and Hunt Staff always have the right of way. Please turn your horse to face the hounds and/or staff in order to eliminate the chance of one kicking out. 

  • Proper riding attire includes a dark (black or navy) jacket, beige breeches, black field boots and a helmet. Please contact your host if you have any questions. In the case of inclement weather, oilskin jackets may be worn.

           Stewart's Equipment  Greenhawk Equestrian  Karin McDonald Photography  


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